Doctor who treats hair and scalp

Hair and skin reflect the condition of the body as a whole. They, too, need treatment. If you have any problems with your hair, it is therefore important to consult a trichologist in good time.

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Who is a trichologist and how does he differ from a dermatologist?

A trichologist is involved in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of hair and scalp disorders.

If the condition of your hair deteriorates, if it falls out, starts to split or break, and if your scalp becomes itchy, dry or oily, you should immediately consult a trichologist. The fact is that the condition of your hair is influenced by the processes going on in your body.трихолог

Hair diseases indicate hormonal imbalances, a lack of essential substances (e.g. protein, iron, etc.), illnesses or endocrine disorders.

It is not uncommon for patients to think that a dermatologist can help with scalp problems, so they turn to one. Despite the fact that these are close specialisations, there are differences. A dermatologist treats skin conditions such as eczema, mycosis, scabies and others. He does not pay enough attention to hair loss.дерматолог

Trichologists are highly specialized. Their focus is exclusively on hair and scalp related issues. They are familiar with the peculiarities of hair growth, causes of hair related diseases as well as the most effective ways of treatment and prevention. In addition, the trichologist has special professional equipment that allows them to diagnose the condition of the hair.

Important: A dermatologist can also help diagnose diseases related to the scalp, but it is advisable to see a trichologist if possible.

Which diseases are treated by a trichologist (disease list with a very brief description)

A trichologist treats a number of diseases:

  • Early gray hair is the appearance of gray hair before the age of 35. It can be caused by genetic factors, serious illness, bad habits or vitamin deficiencies.Ранняя седина
  • Alopecia (baldness) is the pathological loss of hair. It results in partial or complete loss of hair in various parts of the head.Алопеция
  • Allergic reactions. The immune system gives an inadequate response to certain substances. This causes redness, itching or inflammation and swelling on the scalp.аллергия на каску для волос
  • Seborrhea (seborrheic dermatitis) is a disorder of the sebaceous glands. Dry conditions can lead to a tight, dry scalp and split ends. In the oily form, the scalp becomes greasy, the hair falls out and dandruff occurs. A mixed case combines both forms.себорея врожденная
  • Psoriasis (psora) is an inflammatory disease. Papules or plaques form on the scalp, which are pink-red in colour and covered with scales. It is very itchy and painful.Псориаз
  • Trichoptilosis. Hair splits longitudinally at the ends, it becomes brittle and subsequently falls out.сухие волосы с секущимися кончиками
  • Ringworm (trichophytosis, microsporia) is a fungal disease. A swollen, pale pink patch can be seen on the skin. It has clear red borders.Стригущий лишай
  • Dandruff. Scaly detachments of scalp particles appear in the hair. It is a mild form of seborrheic dermatitis.перхоть
  • Favus (parsha) is a fungal disease. A hard crust appears on the scalp and causes itching. Often yellow blisters with pus appear on the hair follicles.Фавус
  • Hypertrichosis is excessive hair growth. Often occurs in men.Гипертрихоз
  • Pediculosis (louse infestation) is a parasitic skin disease. Lice appear, they feed on a person’s blood and attach eggs to the hair.педикулез
  • Trichotortosis (trichokinesis). The hair becomes twisted 180 degrees around its longitudinal axis. They become dry and brittle. Because of its sparse location, the condition resembles baldness.трихокинез
  • Folliculitis. The hair follicle becomes inflamed, with a red spot or nodule near it and filled with pus.Эозинофильный фолликулитЭозинофильный фолликулит
  • Trichoclasia. The hair is damaged and breaks off at a distance of 3 – 5 cm from the surface.Трихоклазия
  • Moniletrix. Hair growth is disturbed; thin and thick patches alternate. They fall out heavily.Монилетрикс
  • Trichomoniasis. Hair spontaneously curls into loops, becomes dry and brittle.Трихонодоз
  • Hirsutism. Women and children develop long, stiff and dark hair similar to that of men.Гирсутизм
  • Leukotrichia is a congenital pathology. The production of hair pigment is disturbed, this manifests as graying.Лейкотрихия
  • Allotrichia symmetricis limited. Symmetrical hair appears on the head. They are stiff, thinning, discoloured and spirally curled.Аллотрихия

What investigations does the trichologist perform and how is the treatment carried out?

In order toidentify a patient’s condition, the trichologist collects the anamnesis (when the first problems appeared, the condition of the hair in the immediate family, whether a proper diet is followed, whether there is much stress, whether there are chronic diseases) and listens to the complaints the person has made. Based on this, the doctor can suggest what causes have contributed to the appearance of problems. After that, an examination of the scalp and hair is carried out. However, this is not always sufficient.

In addition to the examination, the trichologist sends patients for laboratory tests. These include blood chemistry, hormone status, trichogram, spectral analysis, scraping for shingles, etc.

In trichology various treatment methods are applied. The patients are prescribed medicines, homeopathic remedies and herbal tinctures in accordance with the findings. Useful physical therapy treatments such as mesotherapy, massages, ozone therapy, diet, the use of essential vitamins, acupuncture. If the condition is serious, hair transplantation is necessary.Пересадка волос

For the greatest effectiveness, it is recommended to use cosmetic products. For example, masks can be prepared (using eggs and bread) or bought in a shop.

How to get to a doctor in a free clinic

Trichologists are not covered by compulsory health insurance because they are not considered primary care doctors. Even in public institutions, trichologists offer services for a fee.трихолог

However, many doctors provide a free consultation in case of further treatment with them. This is not a bad way to save money.

The cost of trichologist services in Moscow in private centres and through paid services in state institutions

Prices for consultations with a trichologist in private centres in Moscow start at 750 roubles and go up to 3000 roubles. It depends on the experience and qualification of the doctor. State institutions trichologist services are cheaper. You can find specialists in the price range of 500-1500 roubles.трихолог

Reference. The fee includes an introductory talk, an examination and a referral for tests or a treatment appointment.

If you suspect that diseases are affecting your scalp and hair, you should visit a trichologist. He or she will carry out the necessary tests, identify the problem and prescribe an effective treatment.

Who needs a trichologist?

A trichologist specialises in diagnosing and treating scalp conditions and will quickly tell you the root of your problem. The cause can be hidden not only in improper grooming or excessive colouring and hot styling, but also in internal body problems.

Which specialist should I see if I have hair loss?

A trichologist should be consulted if you are experiencing hair loss. This doctor specialises in hair health, is well versed in diagnosing alopecia and will prescribe an effective treatment.

What treatment does the trichologist prescribe?

The most common problem that patients see a trichologist about is alopecia (baldness) and the need for urgent treatment of hair loss. However, consultation with a specialist is also necessary for dandruff, weakening, thinning, brittle hair and hair breakage.

The author is an online hair magazine expert. I am passionate about beauty and fashion and am always up to date with the latest news from the world of beauty and fashion.

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