Why split ends, from roots, all the way through

Many women face the problem of detangling hair. In most cases, it affects long-haired women. Split ends are an indication that hair may be irregular, or that some medical conditions have developed. Changes in the structure of the hair shaft often result in split ends, breakage and further hair loss.

How to spot split ends, how split ends look, diagnosis

The ends of split ends tend to split and look like broomsticks. Because hair is not uniform along its length, split ends are often quite visible in a messy hairstyle. When brushing, curls become very tangled and break easily. Sometimes it is painful to untangle them and some of the hair is pulled out.секущиеся кончики

All patients should be examined by specialists, because both haircuts and hair treatment procedures only help temporarily. It is very common to find sluggish chronic diseases after a diagnosis.

For this purpose, hair and follicle microscopy should be performed to check the condition and rule out trichoptilosis

Why split ends appear – internal and external factors

Internal factors are at the root of diseased hair:

  1. Eating junk food. Sugary, greasy and spicy foods have an adverse effect on hair structure.
  2. Not enough water. Curls become brittle due to lack of fluid. Drinking at least 1.5 litres of plain water per day is recommended. It helps eliminate toxins and impurities from the body and restore elasticity and softness to hair.
  3. Untreated illnesses. Various chronic illnesses can contribute to dry ends. Gastrointestinal problems worsen the hair’s structure – fluid and trace element absorption into the gut wall is impaired. If you can’t cure a problem like split hair, it can go away on its own.
  4. Genetics. Dry hair can be hereditary. Your ancestors’ hair may have had the same colour as yours. In that case, only prevention and a more thorough care will help to get rid of fragility or, at least, to keep them in an appropriate condition.
  5. Harmful habits. Alcoholism and drug abuse as well as smoking are a serious problem for the body and the hair.фаст фуд

The most dangerous external problems affecting bad hair are considered to be

  • Cold and heat. In wintertime, hair can become miserable and dry, while in summertime it can be damaged by direct sunlight.
  • Inadequate care. Excessive hair brushing, over styling products and products that are unsuitable for dry hair, can all cause and increase the problem of split ends.
  • Heat styling appliances. Regular use of blow dryers, straighteners and curling irons can lead to hairline disorders. Hot air currents can be fatal to fine hair as it dries out, while permanent perms can irreparably change the structure of your hair.
  • Accessories. Tight rubber bands that hold a lock in place, jewellery that weighs hair down and clips and barrettes that are made of metal detangle the hair shaft.отказаться от фена, утюжка

What to do about split ends?

It is probably not possible to get rid of split hairs completely. Various cosmetic products have a short-lived effect and the problem reoccurs.Стрижка горячими ножницами

You should regularly visit a hairdressing salon and trim the ends of your hair there at least twice a month. An effective method to combat split ends is to cut the hair with a special heat tool (hot shears).

What to do if split ends occur along the hair’s full length

To get rid of such a problem, you should take a holistic approach. Treat your hair both internally and externally. Sometimes you can’t do without medication, and in severe cases you may need to consult a specialist – a trichologist. He will examine the material, identify the cause and prescribe a treatment.Процедуры против секущихся кончиков волос

But first of all, you need to cut off the bad hair. Go to a hairdressing salon and have your split locks trimmed with scissors and a pair of clippers

Special products for split ends

To get rid of damaged hair and to prevent its recurrence in the future, experts recommend using comprehensive products that have a positive effect on the structure, restore it and protect it from harmful factors.

Manufacturers offer various cosmetic products to help deal with split hair problems. Shampoos and balsams for split locks are available in the market today. After their cleansing, various lotions, serums, oils, masks that revitalize and strengthen the scalp are used.

The tablets

Biotin. Has a positive effect on the lipid metabolism of the scalp. Available as a tablet and in liquid form.

Merz Beauty has an effect on the growth and strengthening of hair structure, while protecting it from damage, eliminating dandruff and itching. The ends of the hair stop splitting.


Complivit are the most common vitamins. The product revitalizes the scalp and heals the hair. With its antioxidant properties, cell regeneration is accelerated. The hair becomes thicker, the hair regenerates, does not split, looks elastic and is strong enough.

Revalid is a vitamin complex in the form of hard gelatin capsules filled with brownish-yellow powder. It has a characteristic odour. Improves the structure of hair, reducing hair breakage. Restores hair follicles, strengthens and slows down hair loss.


Mum of twins:отзыв 2

“Took a course for three months. After the hair extensions, my hair had gone bad and became sparse. Revalid helped to restore it: my hair became thicker and my hair growth rate increased.

Marina:Марина, 28 лет

“With Evalar Hair Expert tablets I restored my long hair. Now they are in good condition. I bought the product to strengthen hair follicles. After a month of treatment, my locks became shiny, elastic and manageable. I took the course for three months and I was happy with it.

Folk remedies

Any professional products do not contain natural ingredients. Therefore, many people use folk remedies. Home remedies use ingredients from the drugstore or improvised sources.


  • Yeast. Consists of 50 ml of fermented milk product (kefir) and two teaspoons of dried yeast. Mix the ingredients and allow to infuse for fifteen minutes. Apply the mixture to the ends of your hair. Cover with a plastic bag and cover with a towel. Rinse off after half an hour with water.дрожжевая
  • Egg wash. Make a mask out of one egg yolk and one tbsp. castor oil. Mix all the ingredients and apply to the scalp and leave on for three hours. Rinse out with water and lemon juice.С яичным желтком
  • Egg and honey. This mask consists of one egg yolk, one tsp. honey and two tablespoons of olive oil. The components are mixed and the mixture should be spread all over the hair. Put a cap on top and cover with a towel. After half an hour, rinse your hair with warm water.медовая маска


Apart from masks you can also apply natural oils on your head. They are used after washing the hair, first warmed in a water bath. After an hour you can rinse with warm water with a few drops of lemon juice.

For similar treatments use oils such as:

  • coconut oil (restores hair from the inside and heals the scalp);кокосовое масло
  • castor oil (fights dryness, breakage and restores hair structure);касторовое масло
  • almond oil (penetrates deeply into structure and hair shaft);миндальное масло
  • burdock (restores dry hair and hair growth).

Professional products for moisturising and nourishing ends

All products are sufficiently effective, fast-acting and fairly economical to use. The products are often equipped with handy, precise dosers. The composition of professional products is as close to natural as possible.

Estel Aqua

A professional balm that contains a strong moisturizing complex, which prevents dryness and smoothes the hair flakes. After its application, hair looks well-groomed, shiny and lively. It has an anti-static effect. Suitable for daily use.Aqua Otium, Estel

Lebel Aroma Cream

Designed for damaged, dry hair. Nourishes hair strands from the roots to the ends. The cream is hypoallergenic. Can be used by children. Strengthens and saturates the texture, restores elasticity, softness and strength to the hair. It contains a honey substance and silk proteins.Lebel аромакрем

Signature salon treatments for cuticle hair

There are many different treatments to help your hair recover. All you need is the right one and to get into the hands of an experienced professional. You’ll need to go to a hairdressing salon for this.


A special chemical is applied to the entire length of the hair, coating the scales of the locks. Each single strand is enveloped in a special microscopic film that protects it from external factors. The lamination process lasts up to six weeks and can be applied twice afterwards.Ламинирование


Shielding is a type of lamination. A special hair treatment product that’s applied to the hair not only coats the outside, but also nourishes the inside. After treatment the hair is made more dense and voluminous, and gets a special shine.Экранированиее

Cuts with hot scissors

Long-haired beauty can use another method: hair strands can be cut with hot scissors, and the edges of the hair is “sealed”, after which the hair is not frizzy and becomes docile.Горячие ножницы

Be careful when using curling irons or flat irons after this treatment.

Glazing hair

The glazing treatment leaves hair feeling fuller and shinier. The product contains ceramides, which assist in the bonding of damaged hair scales.Глазирование волос

The effect lasts for 3-5 weeks. This method does not cure the hair follicles, but only protects the hair and reduces damage after exposure to a hair dryer or curling iron. Glaze does not cure split ends, but it stops them from detaching further.

Curls must not be washed for six hours after glazing.

Preventative measures

To prevent split ends, you should follow some recommendations.

  • Eat a healthy diet. Add fruits and vegetables to your menu, drink plain water and avoid unhealthy habits. Give up coffee and replace it with green tea or chicory.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle. You need proper rest and work; you should get at least 7-8 hours of sleep at night. Take daily walks outdoors.
  • Protect against heat and cold. Do not neglect headgear, protect your hair from frost and direct sunlight.
  • Get the right comb. Replace a stiff comb with a brush made from natural material. Use a wooden comb.
  • Proper drying and washing your head. After washing your hair don’t towel it off, gently blot it and let it dry naturally. Use shampoos and other products designed to take care of damaged hair.моет голову

In order to keep your hair in top condition, keep an eye on your body, drink plenty of pure drinking water and avoid alcohol and smoking. When caring for your hair strands, use only products that are as natural as possible and don’t forget to trim the ends of your hair once in a while.

What do I do if my hair becomes split lengthways?

Split ends: what to do, daily care
Firstly, a good shampoo and conditioner is important.
Use a hair mask and non-washing detangling products for your hair.
Handle hair gently right after shampooing.
When styling hair hot, use thermal protection.
You don’t need to brush wet hair.

How do I repair split ends?

How else to get rid of split ends
Stop shampooing your ends.
Use a moisturizer.
Take vitamins.
Use professional products.
Forget the curling iron.
Do deep moisturising treatments.

The author is an online hair magazine expert. I am passionate about beauty and fashion and am always up to date with the latest news from the world of beauty and fashion.

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