How to Straight Hair

13 natural ways to get perfectly straight hair
While those with straight hair wonder how to curl it, girls with unruly hair dream of getting it perfectly straight. But hair dryers and curling irons can be traumatic for our hair and chemical treatments can be hard to rely on. So we’re always on the lookout for something more natural.

Proper styling is a good idea to start in the shower

Proper styling is a good idea to start in the shower
  • And this is no joke. Good styling is impossible without the right shampoo and conditioner. In this case you need to choose products with keratin, which is renowned for its straightening properties.
  • Use a towel made from a highly absorbent material after washing. Use a bamboo towel for instance as it’s also antibacterial.
  • Don’t wipe your hair too hard as this can cause it to curl and break. Just squeeze the hair all over to remove excess water.

Choosing a comb should also be approached wisely

Choosing a comb should also be approached wisely
  • Avoid round combs: instead of straightening your hair, they curl the ends.
  • Use a comb for combing, as it has wider teeth that will detangle your hair without tearing it.

You can even straighten your hair by simply brushing it out

You can even straighten your hair by simply brushing it out
  • Separate the hair into several sections, pull and hold each strand for a few seconds to make it memorise this straight shape. You can use a hairdryer, but only in cold air mode.

A ponytail can help you fight frizzy hair

A ponytail can help you fight frizzy hair
  • Tie them into a tight, low ponytail. If you have fringes or short strands falling out of the ponytail, secure them with bobby pins. Comb the ponytail so that it’s free of knots.
  • Armed with rubber bands and wrap them around the ponytail every 5-7cm up to the base (the amount of hairpins depends on the length of your hair). Wrap your head with a silk scarf, wait until your hair is dry, remove the elastic bands, comb it, keep it loose and open. Done.

Or you can use the secret of Latina women

Or you can use the secret of Latina women
  • Latin America has its own secret to straightening hair – a technique called ‘Toga’. To deal with unruly hair, the inhabitants of hot countries wash their hair, blow-dry it with a cold air function and, before it is slightly dry, wrap it around their head and secure it with bobby pins. In the morning they wake up with straight and shiny hair.

A little about cosmetic products for straightening

A little about cosmetic products for straightening
  • Creams and straightening serums

Apply to clean, damp hair, distribute it over the entire length and allow to dry. These products provide good UV protection and overheating. The only drawback is that they are incompatible with chemical dyes, as they block their path inside the hair, which means the expected effect will not occur.

  • Smoothing spray and bonding oils

Can be applied to wet and dry hair. While sprays are great to use, they have an important drawback: most contain silicone and additives that can collect in hair and damage it. Oils, on the other hand, are beneficial in every way and are used to smooth hair and provide thermal protection.

You need to pamper your hair with creams and masks more often to keep it looking smooth. And that’s because the oily texture not only weighs hair down, it also helps smooth out the scales, leaving strands straight and shiny.

  • Oil mask

Mix olive oil, castor oil and burdock oil in equal proportions. The amount of oil depends on the thickness and length of the hair. The mixture is heated in a water bath, distributed all over the hair and kept for at least 40 minutes, wrapped in a warm hood.

  • Olive mask

in a bowl with about three tablespoons of olive oil. Wrap your head in cling film and a towel to create a ‘greenhouse effect’. It is recommended to make the mask in the evening and leave it on overnight.

But these masks are difficult to rinse out. You may need to shampoo and rinse your hair several times. A litre of still hot water, acidified with lemon juice is a good idea.

Another faithful helper is colourless henna

  • Another popular remedy used by many curly-haired women. The reason is that henna thickens the hair, so it becomes heavier and loses its curl. In addition, henna also helps to get rid of split ends and dandruff.

Perhaps there are other natural ways to straighten your hair that you have tried out for yourself. Share them in the comments.

How do you straighten frizzy hair?

Separate wet hair into zones, dry the ‘bottom’ hair first at the back, pulling it straight out from the root. Afterwards, take on the temporal areas, the top of the head and the back of the head. The straightening technique is as follows: take a fairly thin strand, and with the help of a stream of air and a brush, “pull” it out.

Can I straighten my hair without a flat iron?

Styling with smoothing creams When smoothing creams are applied, you can achieve smooth hair without a flat iron or hairdryer and protect it from negative influences. How do I straighten my curls this way? The product is applied evenly along the length of the hair, then the strands should be combed out and dried with a hair dryer.

What’s the right way to straighten hair for the long haul?

Use a gradual straightening technique: when working on each strand, proceed smoothly and do not stay in one area for too long. Use special products that complement the straightening procedure and maintain its effect. Use a fixer, such as hairspray, after the treatment is complete.

The author is an online hair magazine expert. I am passionate about beauty and fashion and am always up to date with the latest news from the world of beauty and fashion.

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