Tape in hair extensions

Tape in hair extensions are a procedure that helps girls get gorgeous hair of any length in just about an hour. Ribbon extensions are much cheaper than capsule extensions, and can you get your hair extensions done in a fraction of the time?

What is Ribbon Extension? This process is also called cold-spray because hot tools are not used, as they damage the condition of the natural hair. In ribbon extensions the artificial strands are held in place with an adhesive tape which can easily be removed. The process of hair extension itself is as follows:

  • Shampoo the hair and blow-dry and straighten the natural locks before starting the extension.
  • The master then separates the lower zone of hair growth, securing the upper part with special clips.
  • From below, a strand of hair up to three centimetres wide is selected, under which a strand of artificial hair with an adhesive base on the end is placed.
  • The hair is glued, and the remaining rows of hair are built up in a similar way.

Ribbon extensions are the most common method of extension, but before you head off to the salon, we suggest that you find out the ins and outs of this method. Check out the video below for a lesson on ribbon hair extensions.

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The Pros and Cons of Ribbon Extension

There’s no doubt that ribbon extensions are the safest method, and that’s a big plus. However, there are also disadvantages of this technology. These include the difficulty and expense of maintenance. Conventional hair care products will not work in this situation

You will need to purchase special products from your handyman. Also with hair extensions it is impossible to do some hairstyles, such as ponytails. The fact that some hairstyles are visible joints natural and artificial curls, which looks not very attractive.

tape in hair extensions

In addition, another disadvantage of ribbon extensions is the relative shortness. You can wear the tape-on curls for about two months, after which you will need correction, which will cost much cheaper than the hair extensions.

As for the undeniable pluses, you can include the following factors:

  • Most of the time, the ribbon procedure lasts no more than forty minutes. In rare cases, it may take up to an hour.
  • The consequences after this kind of hair extensions are not critical at all. Natural hair is not affected at all, as there are no thermal effects on the hair structure. In contrast to capsule hair extensions, your natural hair is left in one piece after you remove the hair extensions, because in this case, no glue is used.
  • Ribbons with artificial hair strands don’t pull on your natural hair and can’t be felt.
  • Even very short hair can be used with ribbon extensions. The optimal length for quality hair extensions is three centimetres.
  • The cost of the ribbon hair extension procedure is much lower and faster than capsule hair extensions, which is one of their main differences.

So, by reviewing the pros and cons of ribbon hair extensions, you can determine for yourself whether to go for such a procedure. In general, the reviews on cold tape hair extensions are very positive.

tape in hair extensions

How do I remove?

However, with thermal strip hair extensions, you’ll want to get rid of your hair at some point. You can do this either in a salon with the help of a master, or at home with the help of friends.

You’ll need a hair dryer and a bottle of alcohol to remove your tousled hair at home. Comb your hair and start heating it with a hairdryer until the extensions do not detach on their own. Carefully remove them and rub the areas where they will be held together with alcohol to remove any residual locking adhesive.

Hair extensions can be removed inexpensively at a salon so if you don’t believe in your own strength and are worried about damaging your hair, it’s best to let a professional take care of it.

How to care for your hair

tape in hair extensions

Maintaining your tousled hair is a tricky thing. If you want your tousled hair to last as long as possible, try to keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • To avoid accidentally hitting the sticky tapes when combing, you need to find and buy a comb with sparse teeth.
  • You should not wash your extensions for a couple of days after the treatment. It is also advisable not to get in the rain and not to stay in places with excessive humidity, otherwise the glue will get wet and the hair will fall out.
  • Wet or damp hair should never be put to bed, you should dry it first.
  • Tape-in hair needs special nourishment, so use more shampoo and conditioner when you wash your hair.
  • Only use a hairdryer at low temperatures.
  • Visiting baths and saunas is not advisable, as the glue on the tapes will become wet when exposed to steam.
  • It is best to use a shower when washing your hair, as it is not advisable to tilt your head down.
  • To keep your taped-up hair in order, braid it before you go to bed.

That way, as long as you follow our advice, your permanent hair will always look healthy and gorgeous. We also give you a quick glimpse at our pre-and post-stretch hair extensions so you can see just how it looks.

Ribbon or cold technology hair extensions are among the safe methods. Lengthening and volumizing hair in this method are done with the help of special self-adhesive tapes. Each tape has a special glue base, which has no contraindications and is not harmful to the hair. You do not need a lot of special tools and equipment, and the procedure itself does not take much time. The master attaches the strands, not less than 0.5 – 1 centimetre away from the scalp. The process of hair extension is when strips of donor’s hair are glued and a strand of the client’s hair is put in between.

Micro-lenticular hair extension

tape in hair extensions

Professionals consider this method one of the safest and fastest in time. As the whole procedure doesn’t take more than 1.5 hours. And as a result, the client gets beautiful hair of the desired length. Masters also recommend this method of hair extension to people who have naturally thin hair. Very often the Slavic type of hair is used for micro hair extension, but finding strands of the Asian type is also not difficult.

Duration of the procedure. The procedure for regular hair extensions takes 1 hour, and the microfilm takes 1.5 hours.

Wearing time

In case the client comes regularly and in time for correction, the hair extensions can be worn for a year. Professionals recommend this type of extension for no more than two months.

Final result

Donor bands for hair extensions are usually about 4 centimetres wide and about 50 centimetres long. They are colour-matched to the client’s hair and can be not only flat but also have a natural or volume wave.

After ribbon extensions, the client is somewhat limited in creating different hairstyles. This is because the hair bindings have to be masked by the natural hair. Therefore, some high hairstyles are not recommended.

tape in hair extensions

Safety of the procedure

In this method of hair extensions, only products that do not contain harmful substances are used. And since it is a cold extension technique, the native hair is not affected by hot temperatures. The tapes have a smooth surface, which means they don’t feel uncomfortable while sleeping. And with properly distributed strands on the head, the load on the native hair will be even and will not cause it to weaken or fall out.

Advantages of the technology:

  • it won’t take long;
  • the client will not only get the necessary length of hair but also extra volume;
  • no chemical or thermal treatments are used.
  • We recommend a new article on the peculiarities of ribbon hair extensions.

Drawbacks of the technology:

  • expensive donor ribbons;
  • impracticality;
  • possible discomfort during drying;
  • the need for correction every month;
  • cannot be dyed;
  • limited choice of hairstyle.

Required care

No special care is needed for the hair that has been fitted with this method, you can use all the usual hair products. But don’t forget that you have to dry the donor hair bands first before you dry your original hair.

Tape Removal and Correction

Take off the donated strands easily, quickly, and most importantly painlessly. To do this, simply apply a special compound, which destroys the properties of the glue on the donor strips.

The correction is done every 4-6 weeks. The exact period of correction will be determined by the master, as it depends on the client’s hair growth rate. During the correction, the donor’s hair is moved closer to the hair roots. If this procedure is not performed or not performed in time, the load on the hair will increase and it will start to break, and the joints will become noticeable.

The cost of ribbon extensions

Since the duration of the procedure is not long, the cost of hair extensions is cheaper than similar methods. But be aware that the cost of correction will increase if it is delayed and done later than a month after the extension.

Not some masters recommend the use of this technology of hair extension. This is due to the fact that some manufacturers, in order to make them cheaper, use synthetic materials, which affects the quality of the finished product.

Also, you can’t do high hairstyles or gather your hair in a high ponytail. And the joints can be visible when it is windy or wet hair (for example, when it rains). This type of extension is perfect for a special occasion or other significant events.

How do I wash my hair with hair extensions on ribbons?

Take care of your tousled hair:
Wash your hair without tilting your head forward or rubbing shampoo into the roots. The movement of your hands and fingers while washing your hair should be towards the centre of the back of your head. And also slowly, stroking the entire length of the hair.

Which is better with capsule or ribbon hair extensions?

Capsule extensions are more suitable for women with short, dense hair that tends to fall out. If hair is very greasy, this method is often ruled out. Ribbon extensions are recommended for thin, weakened and very sparse hair.

How do I dye my hair in ribbon extensions?

The ribbons are right at the roots of the hair, apply the colour carefully, don’t tear the ribbons, and try NOT to run the comb through the ribbons. Yes, the parting will not be straight, but you can still paint the roots. Hair can also be dyed with powder

The author is an online hair magazine expert. I am passionate about beauty and fashion and am always up to date with the latest news from the world of beauty and fashion.

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